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Blythe M & Encinas E (2016) The Co-ordinates of Design Fiction: Extrapolation, Irony, Ambiguity and Magic. Proc. GROUP’16, 345–354.
Burdick A (2019) “Designing Futures From the Inside.” Journal of Futures Studies, 23(3): 75–92.
Caracciolo M (2019) Ungrounding fictional worlds: an enactivist perspective on the “worldlikeness” of fiction. In Possible worlds theory and contemporary narratology (pp. 113-131). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Candy S & Dunagan J (2017). Designing an experiential scenario: The people who vanished. Futures, 86, 136-153.
Dahlgren K, Strengers Y, Pink S, Nicholls L, Sadowski J (2020) Digital Energy Futures: Review of Industry Trends, Visions and Scenarios for The Home. Monash Emerging Technologies Research Lab.
Deloitte (2020). Water Tight 2.0: Top Trends in the global water sector. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Available from:
Dunne A, & Raby F (2013) Speculative everything: design, fiction, and social dreaming. Cambridge, Mass: MIT press.
Edgerton D (2007) The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Geels FW (2005) The Dynamics of Transitions in Socio-technical Systems: A Multi-level Analysis of the Transition Pathway from Horse-drawn Carriages to Automobiles (1860–1930). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 17(4), 445–476.
Hacking I (1999) The Social Construction of What? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hill D (2020) Post-traumatic urbanism and radical indigenism. The Slowdown Papers. Available from:
Kirby D (2010) The future is now: Diegetic prototypes and the role of popular films in generating real-world technological development. Social Studies of Science, 40(1): 41–70.
Kline R (1005) "Construing 'Technology' as 'Applied Science': Public Rhetoric of Scientists and Engineers in the United States, 1880-1945," Isis, 86, 194-221.
Latour B (1999) On recalling ANT. The sociological review, 47(1_suppl), 15-25.
Malpass,M (2013) Between Wit and reason: defining associative, speculative, and critical design in practice. Design and Culture, 5(3), 333-356.
Marx L (1997) "Technology: The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept" Social Research, 64, 965-988.
Meadows D (2008) Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Ed Diana Wright. Chelsea Green Publishing: White River Junction.
Ngai S (2012) Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Ngai S (2005) Ugly feelings. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Oldenziel R (1999) Making Technology Masculine: Men, Women, and Modern Machines in America, 1870-1945. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Schatzberg E (2006) ‘Technik' Comes to America: Changing Meanings of ‘Technology’ before 1930. Technology and culture, 47(3), 486-512.
von Stackelberg P, & McDowell A (2015) What in the world? Storyworlds, science fiction, and futures studies. Journal of Futures Studies 20(2): 25-46.
Sterling B (2013) Patently untrue: fleshy defibrillators and synchronised baseball are changing the future. Wired. Available from:
Watson J (2020) Julia Watson on the Power of Indigenous Technologies to Transform Our Planet. Interview. Available from:
Zaidi L (2017) Building Brave New Worlds: Science Fiction and Transition Design. Des Thesis. Submitted to OCAD University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.
Blythe M & Encinas E (2016) The Co-ordinates of Design Fiction: Extrapolation, Irony, Ambiguity and Magic. Proc. GROUP’16, 345–354.
Burdick A (2019) “Designing Futures From the Inside.” Journal of Futures Studies, 23(3): 75–92.
Caracciolo M (2019) Ungrounding fictional worlds: an enactivist perspective on the “worldlikeness” of fiction. In Possible worlds theory and contemporary narratology (pp. 113-131). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Candy S & Dunagan J (2017). Designing an experiential scenario: The people who vanished. Futures, 86, 136-153.
Dahlgren K, Strengers Y, Pink S, Nicholls L, Sadowski J (2020) Digital Energy Futures: Review of Industry Trends, Visions and Scenarios for The Home. Monash Emerging Technologies Research Lab.
Deloitte (2020). Water Tight 2.0: Top Trends in the global water sector. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. Available from:
Dunne A, & Raby F (2013) Speculative everything: design, fiction, and social dreaming. Cambridge, Mass: MIT press.
Edgerton D (2007) The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Geels FW (2005) The Dynamics of Transitions in Socio-technical Systems: A Multi-level Analysis of the Transition Pathway from Horse-drawn Carriages to Automobiles (1860–1930). Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 17(4), 445–476.
Hacking I (1999) The Social Construction of What? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Hill D (2020) Post-traumatic urbanism and radical indigenism. The Slowdown Papers. Available from:
Kirby D (2010) The future is now: Diegetic prototypes and the role of popular films in generating real-world technological development. Social Studies of Science, 40(1): 41–70.
Kline R (1005) "Construing 'Technology' as 'Applied Science': Public Rhetoric of Scientists and Engineers in the United States, 1880-1945," Isis, 86, 194-221.
Latour B (1999) On recalling ANT. The sociological review, 47(1_suppl), 15-25.
Malpass,M (2013) Between Wit and reason: defining associative, speculative, and critical design in practice. Design and Culture, 5(3), 333-356.
Marx L (1997) "Technology: The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept" Social Research, 64, 965-988.
Meadows D (2008) Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Ed Diana Wright. Chelsea Green Publishing: White River Junction.
Ngai S (2012) Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Ngai S (2005) Ugly feelings. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Oldenziel R (1999) Making Technology Masculine: Men, Women, and Modern Machines in America, 1870-1945. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Schatzberg E (2006) ‘Technik' Comes to America: Changing Meanings of ‘Technology’ before 1930. Technology and culture, 47(3), 486-512.
von Stackelberg P, & McDowell A (2015) What in the world? Storyworlds, science fiction, and futures studies. Journal of Futures Studies 20(2): 25-46.
Sterling B (2013) Patently untrue: fleshy defibrillators and synchronised baseball are changing the future. Wired. Available from:
Watson J (2020) Julia Watson on the Power of Indigenous Technologies to Transform Our Planet. Interview. Available from:
Zaidi L (2017) Building Brave New Worlds: Science Fiction and Transition Design. Des Thesis. Submitted to OCAD University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.
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